Wednesday, March 24, 2010


well lets see.....I love being a mommy...sometimes i look at my girls and i think bout my chilhood and how i acted and how things was when i was growing parents seperated when i was about five yrs old and they fought like cat and dogs.... whats sad about it  is how it made me and my brother feel and to this day somethings remind me of those times....i got a few pet peeves like everyone does and some things im anul about.... when it comes to my girls i guess the best way to descibe it is im a pure b**** about things with them and who or what and when and the things that go on around around them...i watch them with there daddy and the way is with them and wonder why my dad and have such a strange and difficult relationship... but i know why we are like oil and water..... sometimes i wonder if its the hate that hes held towards my mom is the reason why  we don't get a long......i love my dad but we just but heads with momma is my bestfriend i have always been very close to my momma..... i can talk to her about anything even if i know shes gonna get mad ....she always is there when im down and doesnt judge it she just gives me a huge and comforts me....the past yr has had so many ups and downs that some of i felt like my head would have feel of and rolled away if it hadnt been hooked to my body.....i love all of my family and i am sure that sometimes they dont think i do  ..... because sometimes i speak without thinking and think about it later and sometimes relize that it might came across wrong.......i am a very kind and out spoken person and i sometimes tell u how it is  when u ask and later relize maybe i shouldnt be so out spoken.....i uselly keep things to myself about how i feel or what i think about something going on with me....normally nobody knows if im having something go on... anyways im just ramboling

Monday, March 22, 2010


When I look at my girls I feel sad at times...I can remember when I was younger that things were so different.One of my grandmothers passed about a year ago .When i think  about how it was when she was here and i was young  i have a warm feeling that fills my heart..Ever since i can remember we always went to her house every sunday to spend time together, eat and  to spend quality time together talking about our week. if i knew what i know now i would have done more to have more memories with her. she was a strong and loving and godly woman.. i  thought she knew everything and i loved talking to her about things when she was younger..When i was young i spent the night with her as much as i could ..i even spent summers too. some memories i have is snapping beans with her and other family members that came to grandma was my world as i get older i believe the way i want my children to see or know is influenced by her words and time i spent with her.. i am only twenty six but i have people at time tell me that i am very old fashioned or what i like to say is traditional... but i don't see anything wrong with it ...thats part of our words problem now never relize when the people you love are here how much they impact your life until there gone....when i wattched them lower her casket into the ground all i felt other than lost was regret ....because of the last few years of her life i hadn't been to see her as much as i had loved to be...the bustle of life takes over when your older and  its not like when your a kid free and no worries or things to to all my family .....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

more about me

I am very blessed to have two gourgeos daughters that are five and two. My oldest name is lauren and my other one is Haley. I have been with my best friend in the world going on seven yrs... I couldnt ask for a better husband or father to my children....I went to college for my medicial assistant degree but didn;t get to finish  because I didnt make what i needed to on a pharm test so i got butted out.. and all I had left was my that sucked but I am planning on going back once haley starts school....My mother in law that i was very close to and concidered her to be one of my best friends past away seven months that has been really hard on me and my daughters....i guess this is a lot of ramboling......

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello.... Everyone My name is Brandi and this is my first time ever doing blogs..I have a few people i know that does .. so I got to thinking about it and decided it might b a good thing for me to do...