Wednesday, March 24, 2010


well lets see.....I love being a mommy...sometimes i look at my girls and i think bout my chilhood and how i acted and how things was when i was growing parents seperated when i was about five yrs old and they fought like cat and dogs.... whats sad about it  is how it made me and my brother feel and to this day somethings remind me of those times....i got a few pet peeves like everyone does and some things im anul about.... when it comes to my girls i guess the best way to descibe it is im a pure b**** about things with them and who or what and when and the things that go on around around them...i watch them with there daddy and the way is with them and wonder why my dad and have such a strange and difficult relationship... but i know why we are like oil and water..... sometimes i wonder if its the hate that hes held towards my mom is the reason why  we don't get a long......i love my dad but we just but heads with momma is my bestfriend i have always been very close to my momma..... i can talk to her about anything even if i know shes gonna get mad ....she always is there when im down and doesnt judge it she just gives me a huge and comforts me....the past yr has had so many ups and downs that some of i felt like my head would have feel of and rolled away if it hadnt been hooked to my body.....i love all of my family and i am sure that sometimes they dont think i do  ..... because sometimes i speak without thinking and think about it later and sometimes relize that it might came across wrong.......i am a very kind and out spoken person and i sometimes tell u how it is  when u ask and later relize maybe i shouldnt be so out spoken.....i uselly keep things to myself about how i feel or what i think about something going on with me....normally nobody knows if im having something go on... anyways im just ramboling

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